
要說起對香港酒店的印象,那就是時尚而有設計感,精緻又摩登,這次趁著萬聖去香港快閃二日遊的九龍貝爾特PentahotelHongKong,Kowloon就兼具這樣的特質 ...,The32-storyaccommodationisintheveryheartofthecity,atadistanceof2.5kmfromKowloonTong,andwithineasywalkingdistanceofDiamondHilltube ...,Guestshaveaccesstoaswimmingpool,agymandWi-Fithroughouttheproperty.ThehotelislocatedinHongKong,aminuteawayfromDiamondH...

【香港住宿】九龍貝爾特酒店Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon 潮文 ...

要說起對香港酒店的印象,那就是時尚而有設計感,精緻又摩登,這次趁著萬聖去香港快閃二日遊的九龍貝爾特Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon就兼具這樣的特質 ...


The 32-story accommodation is in the very heart of the city, at a distance of 2.5 km from Kowloon Tong, and within easy walking distance of Diamond Hill tube ...

Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon

Guests have access to a swimming pool, a gym and Wi-Fi throughout the property. The hotel is located in Hong Kong, a minute away from Diamond Hill tube station.

香港九龍貝爾特酒店| 人氣優惠及套餐

評分 8.1/10 (2,834) · 每晚客房價格低至 (HKD) - Agoda提供價格保證,等你住得更抵! 香港九龍貝爾特酒店(pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon). 香港特別行政區新蒲崗六合街19號, 九龍東, 香港, 香港特別行政區, 中國香港, 00852. 網上預訂. 入住3月16日(週日).

香港九龍貝爾特酒店(pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon)

評分 8.1/10 (2,835) · 買貴退差價 - 每晚低至 (TWD) 香港九龍貝爾特酒店是一家四星級酒店,位於中國香港,提供精緻舒適的住宿環境。該酒店於2013年建成,擁有695間客房,為您提供寬敞舒適的住宿選擇。酒店距離機場約45分鐘車程, ...

九龍貝爾特酒店( Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon )

評分 4.1 (5) · 價格低至 1900 HKD,價格會經常變動 時尚休閒酒店香港九龍貝爾特酒店為富個性的旅客提供舒適親切的住宿服務。 酒店設有695間客房、五間會議室、健身室和季節性開放之室外游泳池。貝爾特酒廊糅合了酒店 ...

pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon in Hong Kong

Located in Kowloon (Eastern Kowloon), pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon is within a 10-minute walk of Mikiki and Plaza Hollywood. This 4-star hotel is 0.7 mi (1.1 ...


With 139-rooms across five floors, the past and present collide to create a space that is both cosy and contemporary. On entering you'll be wowed by the ...

Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon

Please note that Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon ceased operations on February 14th, 2023. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact kowloon ...


日新舍(英語:Sunny House),前稱香港九龍貝爾特酒店(英語:Penta Hotel Hong Kong Kowloon),位於香港九龍東新蒲崗六合街19號,是宏安地產旗下的酒店,曾經是新世界發展旗下 ...